Using credit cards when you are vacationing overseas has innumerable advantages. All purchases you make on your credit card are protected by the Consumer Credit Act, which means that you can get a full refund on unsatisfactory purchases worth anywhere between $100 and $30,000 from either the merchant or the issuer of the credit card.
Read MoreThere are more credit card users in the US than there are anywhere else in the world so foreign visitors to America will certainly have very few problems finding places to accept their credit card – for the most part.
Read MoreThese days most credit cards come with some form of “built in” travel insurance at no cost. The amounts offered and the usefulness of these policies varies from card to card though and if you are traveling it is important that you find out exactly what kind of travel insurance your credit card offers and if it is enough or you need to consider purchasing additional travel insurance from an outside source.
Read MoreCredit cards are widely accepted across Europe, which is in some ways good for foreigners, especially US citizens, traveling there but there are some pitfalls of credit card use in Europe that you should know about and there are certain cards that are better for use when traveling in Europe than others.
Read MoreIf you plan to travel abroad, whether it is for business or pleasure the good news for many is that more and more people, places and businesses across the world are choosing to accept credit cards as payment.
Read MoreCredit cards tend to come in handy for many people on a very regular basis – whether it is earning reward points for just paying for your weekly trip to grocery store on your credit card or having the convenience of using plastic instead of cash when you are traveling.
Read MoreEven if you are the kind of person who does not travel a great deal on a regular basis but does like to take at least one nice vacation a year (which is, let's face it, a goal that most of us have) you can often enhance that vacation by using a travel credit card throughout the rest of the year.
Read MoreBefore even discussing which credit card might be best to take with you if you will be journeying to any country on the continent of Africa it is important to note that leaving home without cash and/or travelers checks is not a good idea.
Read MoreThere are a lot of things to remember to pack when you are headed on a trip – whether it is for business or pleasure – but are there certain credit cards that are better for use when travelling than others?
Read MoreThe idea of earning “airmiles” with a certain credit card is certainly not a new one, these kinds of rewards have been around for a long time now (relatively speaking that is, the first credit cards did not even debut until the mid 1950s).
Read MoreFor those who are looking for reward credit cards one of the most popular is travel and airline credit cards. These are really handy for those who may not put aside money for a vacation fund or who may not be able to go on vacation when they want.
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