There are a great many rewards cards available today and choosing between them can be quite a chore. One of the places you might want to start when sifting through them all is by looking at what is on offer from a bank that has a good overall reputation for the quality of all its credit card offerings. One such bank is Capital One.
Read MoreWhen you first begin researching them it can seem that not only are there more travel and airline credit cards available than ever before but that choosing between them is a more confusing process as well.
Read MoreIn general Chase offers some great credit cards at reasonable rates. Their rewards credits cards, most of which are designed for the consumer with very good to excellent credit ratings are no exception.
Read MoreCapital One are known for their great credit card offerings in general but if you are a frequent traveler – either for business or pleasure or a combination of the two – then they certainly offer several credit cards that would be an excellent fit for your lifestyle as well as a bit of a boost to your annual travel budget.
Read MoreCiti – perhaps still better known by many as Citibank – offer a great many credit card products designed to fit anyone’s needs. Their lineup of rewards cards is very good and for those who do their best to use their credit cards responsibly they can really reap card holders some great benefits.
Read MoreThe days when all American Express cards were rather dull looking (but rather exclusive) green pieces of plastic are long gone. That classic green card does still exist but it has been joined by over a dozen other offerings some of which do not only offer all the spending power and prestige that American Express is so famous for but some great rewards as well.
Read MoreSome of the best air miles credit cards are those that are issued by banks in conjunction with a specific airline. There are indeed a lot of great air miles credit cards out there in general but these airline specific cards can not only earn you air miles quickly but special on board perks like preferred seating and fare discounts as well.
Read MoreIf you are a responsible credit card user – that is you tend to pay off your balances in a timely manner and have relatively good credit – there are an ever increasing number of rewards credit cards out there to choose from. Not everyone wants to save up their rewards points for what seems like decades (but is probably years) just to earn the same boring old rewards.
Read MoreGetting a little more out of using a credit card is something that would really appeal to anyone. If you have a reasonably good credit rating there are a number of very good rewards credit cards out there, including several offered by the Bank of America.
Read MoreCash back credit cards are not the best option for everyone but for a responsible credit card holder who does not like to carry a balance on their plastic they can be an excellent choice. Long respected as one of the most reliable names in the banking business Bank of America now offers two different cash back credit cards for you to consider.
Read MoreChase Bank, which is these days officially known as JPMorgan Chase Bank as it is now a subsidiary of the famed investment house, is one of the “big four” US banks. Chase offers consumers a number of different credit card options, options which do include cash back reward cards.
Read MoreWhen it comes to credit card perks Americans love their cash back. In fact, a whopping 57.4% of those who hold rewards credit cards have them for the cash back benefits. However, as you might expect not all cash back credit cards are created equal and it does help if you take the time to understand how cash back reward credit cards work and what the offers you might be considering really give you.
Read MoreIf you are a frequent traveler, for business, pleasure, or both obtaining a Hotel Rewards credit card is a very good idea. Specialty credit cards for those who are looking for low APR’s, low/ no fee’s, or gas reward cards are becoming more and more popular, so why not have a credit card for just hotel bookings?
Read MoreImagine being able to get as much as five percent cash back on all of your gas purchases each month. No hassles, no gimmicks, no fine print, you get money, not points or prizes for all of your gas purchases at the end of each month.
Read MoreCredit cards get a bad rap for getting people into debt and then charging high interest rates. If you are irresponsible financially avoid credit cards like the plague, they will ruin your finances.
Read MoreMost people have a credit card these days. In fact, a study for June 2010 showed that Americans had over $800 billion in revolving credit with the majority of that being credit cards.
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