There are an awful lot of business credit cards on offer and all of them offer something a little different. For many businesses, both large and small business travel accounts for some large expenditure so a business credit card that offers both travel rewards and/or discounts on travel can be a real boon. Here is a little information about some of the best business cards for travel that are available at the moment:
Capital One Venture for Business
A growing number of businesses are no longer loyal to any particular airline or hotel chain, preferring instead to go online and simply find the best possible deal they can. The Capital One Venture for Business Card is perfect for these companies.
Rewards are awarded in the form of miles and credit card holders begin earning those miles as soon as they take their new card out of its envelope and activate it. For every extra employee card ordered 5,000 bonus miles are automatically credited to your account and if you spend $1,000 on the card during the first three months you are awarded 10,000 more bonus miles.
As you and your employees begin spending rewards accrue at the rate of 2 miles per $1 spent. Miles never expire, there are no airline restrictions or blackouts and unlike many other cadres figuring out how many miles you need to cover the cost of a Martainn flight. According to Capital One all you need to do is add two zeros to the price of your airline ticket or hotel stay. For example, if your ticket is going to cost $150 you will need 15,000 miles, its actually that simple to calculate. There is another way to make the most of your reward miles though. All you need to do is book employee travel using your favorite discount travel service, then request to trade 100 miles from your rewards balance for every dollar of airfare, it’s almost like getting a straight 2% back to spend on business travel.
The basic numbers attached to the capital One Venture for Business card are very good as well. There is a low 13.9% APR and although there is a $59 annual fee it is waived for the first year.
The True Earnings Reward from American Express and Costco
Not all business travel is air based and if your company has a number of road warrior sales reps or executives gas and dining are going to be two of your biggest business travel expenses. If that is the case then this rather unique business credit card could be just the right fit for you.
The card is not only a credit card but it also serves as a business Costco membership and Costco carries an awful lot of things that are useful to businesses of all kinds. Having that Costco account is also yet another plus on your business credit profile as well.
When it comes to rewards many categorizes are awarded at the rate of one percent per dollar spent but that skyrockets to 4% for the first $6,000 spent on gas annually (1% after that) and 3% for restaurants, including fast food joints, 2% for travel expenses, all with no dollar caps. As you can see your traveling employees will have no problems racking up rewards very quickly. Cardholders also get an automatic 10% discount every time they send a Fed Ex package or rent a vehicle from Hertz as well as their 1% or 2% rewards!
There is also a lowish 15.24% APR after an introductory 6 month 0% APR offering and there is no annual fee beyond the cost of your (mandatory) Costco membership, which is usually between $50 and $100 depending upon the level chosen.
Business Platinum Card from American Express Open
This is another business credit card that offers a wealth of travel benefits as well as a great rewards program. This is a traditional American Express charge card so balances do need to be paid off on a monthly basis but there are a lot of perks attached to doing so on this card.
Reward points are usually awarded at the rate of 1 per every $1 spent but double points are awarded when you book travel through American Express. Points never expire and can be redeemed on a variety of different things including air travel on any airline, hotel stays, car rentals or merchandise gift certificates.
The points are only a small part of the benefits of this rather exclusive business credit card (ether is after all a $450 annual membership fee) cardholders have access to executive airport lounges worldwide, both for themselves and 2 traveling companions. They also receive automatic upgrades when renting cars from Hertz, Avis or National Car Rental as well as room upgrades, free continental breakfast and a late 4pm checkout privilege at 600 luxury hotels and resorts all over the world. And hows this for a benefit – thanks to an agreement made with US Customs and Border protection those who hold the Business Platinum Card from American Express are afforded expedited passage through customs at most major US airports. There is also a 24 hour a day concierge service, a free companion ticket on 22 airlines with a single ticket purchase , comprehensive travel insurance and fraud protections and discounts at dozens of different merchants. So while the membership fee is high and a business certainly needs excellent credit to obtain it the Business Platinum Card from American Express Open certainly provides value for money!
These are just a few of the great travel rewards business credit cards, there are many more. When choosing a business credit card you should look for one that best matches your company’s spending habits, so that you can ensure that you get as much out of company credit card use as possible.