Getting a little more out of using a credit card is something that would really appeal to anyone. If you have a reasonably good credit rating there are a number of very good rewards credit cards out there, including several offered by the Bank of America.
Rewards credit cards are not the same as cash back credit cards – although many rewards credit cards do offer cash back as a redemption option. Rewards cards offer a range of different rewards to choose from – anything from air miles and gift cards to vacations and shopping sprees. And as there are so many rewards credit cards out there these days it pays to shop around a little – often literally. Here is a little about the rewards credit cards currently offered by Bank of America:
BankAmericard Power Rewards Visa Signature Card
This rewards credit card offering is definitely one of the most versatile out there – at least in terms of the diversity of the rewards you can earn with your points, especially if you are willing to “bank” them for a while to really get something nice.
As a basic credit card the Americard Power Rewards Visa Signature card stacks up against similar offerings fairly well. There is no annual fee and an introductory 0% APR is applied to all purchases made within the first twelve months of card membership. After the introductory period is over interest is charged at 12 to 20% depending upon a card holder’s credit worthiness. Cardholders can also request they be issued a “touch and pass” version of their credit card that can be attached to a key chain to speed up transactions and afford a little extra security.
When it comes to the reward points they are awarded at a rate of one point to one dollar on most purchases but by using your rewards credit card to pay for items at grocery or drug stores, as well as on gas are all rewarded at a rate of 3 points per dollar.
Points can be redeemed for any of the awards that are listed on the Bank of America Power Rewards site. These rewards range from gift cards to restaurants to Apple iMacs and everything in-between. Of course the big ticket items are going to take you quite a while to earn but if you have the patience you can certainly save up for some excellent rewards.
Bank of America MasterCard with World Points Rewards
The MasterCard branded rewards credit card offering form Bank of America focuses its rewards program on travel and entertainment, something that would certainly appeal to those who like to get out of the house as often as possible.
This MasterCard comes with a fairly standard for rewards cards 12-20% APR attached to it and there is non-annual fee. When the card is first issued to you, you will however be accessed a 0%APR on all purchases for the first twelve billing cycles. The card comes with the extra advantage that you can link it to your checking account to serve as overdraft protection as well as with a convenient pay pass feature that makes speeding through check outs a breeze.
Rewards on this card are earned at a rate at a straight 1/1 ratio on all purchases and are not redeemable until a card holder has accrued at least 2,500 reward points. Reward points can be cashed in for a variety of electronic and jewelry items, discounts on air travel and hotels or, if you save up your rewards for long enough you can even cash them in for a variety of different vacations to spots all over the globe.
Bank of America Bass Pro Shops Platinum Rewards Visa
To say that this is a very specialist rewards type is an understatement. However there are a great many people who do spend an awful lot of their time and money in Bass Pro Shops indulging their passion for the outdoors and for them this rewards credit card may just be a dream come true!
In terms of credit card basics this card has the same offerings as the other two cards we have detailed: a 12 month introductory 0% APR on purchases with a 12-20% APR thereafter and no annual fee.
Purchases of any kind made on the Bass Pro Shops rewards Visa card earn reward points on a 1 point to 1 dollar basis. However purchases made as Bass Pro outlets are rewarded at 2% per dollar and if those purchases are Bass Pro branded items you can earn up to 4% per dollar spent. And how can you spend your reward points? Well on more Bass Pro Shops merchandise of course! In addition though for every dollar you spend on your Bass Pro Shops Visa card a small donation is made by bass to various environmental causes at no cost to you.